Whether you own an established corporation or are beginning a new business venture, the advice and guidance of a legal professional is often necessary. At Bengtson & Jestings, LLP, our lawyers provide the professional service and personal attention that our corporate and business clients need.
Our firm has extensive experience across a broad range of corporate and business law practice areas. Most often, our attorneys are called upon to guide our small to mid-sized business clients through numerous legal areas, including:
Business formation is a broad topic that encompasses multiple areas that business clients need to address. We are prepared to advise and represent clients through entity formation, drafting of bylaws, operating agreement, risk management and document control. Contact our office to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific needs in greater detail.
If you have further questions regarding corporate and business law matters, contact Bengtson & Jestings, LLP. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with an attorney at our firm, and can be reached at 401-331-7272.